Release 1.3.5

Release 1.3.5

Release Notes
September 6, 2023
Bask Developers
Release 1.3.5 - September 2023
Introducing Release 1.3.5: We are thrilled to announce Release 1.3.5, a significant update for the Bask platform. As we continue to prioritize your experience, this release introduces a plethora of new features, valuable improvements, and critical bug fixes. Our unwavering commitment to enhancing the Bask platform reflects in these updates. Below, we highlight some of the most important features, improvements, and bug fixes, showcasing how we're continuously elevating the capabilities of the Bask platform. This week a patch will come through that significantly improves the patient experience, stay tunned.
Below is a detailed summary of the key features, bug fixes, improvements, and maintenance updates grouped by specific areas of the application and their significance.
🚀 Features
  • Adding Custom Fonts to Questionnaire: Elevate the visual appeal of your questionnaires by introducing custom fonts, giving you the freedom to design questionnaires with a more branded touch. Set your fonts in settings → branding.
  • Patient Custom Font: You can now define your brand more clearly for your patients to even more personalize their experience with custom fonts in the patient portal. Set your fonts in settings → branding. We are using the google font library, if you want a font not listed, feel free to select one from google fonts and let your Bask representative know.
  • New Tables: Introducing shiny, beautiful, new tables that allow even more customization to how you view your data. With expanded filters, ways to hide or show columns, you can now customize your tables to show you the data you want to see most.
  • Checkout at Any Step: A major request, you can now move your checkout question anywhere in your flow. AB Test your questionnaires to see what user experience works best for your brand. Just ensure the last step of your flow is a thank you page. Streamline the checkout process by allowing patients to commit at the beginning or middle of their visit rather than just at the end.
  • Doctor Portal: Our SureScripts certified doctor portal is now refreshed for a more streamlined way to triage and prescribe patients with ease.
  • Autogenerated Treatment Type: Automatically generate treatment types, saving you time and effort.
  • New Affiliate Dashboard: Enabling you to track affiliates. You can track their performance and earnings with a simple dashboard. Automatically generate links that apply a discount code for the affiliate and track their usage. More to come soon here.
  • Added and Updated Main Bask.Health Website: We've revamped and improved the main Bask.Health website. Adding a lot more pages that describe what we actually do :). Tell your friends.
  • Download Bill: Simplify record-keeping with the option to download bills and invoices for a simple breakdown of your transactions.
  • Ship Station Integration: Seamlessly integrate with Ship Station for manual fulfilment orders, allowing you to automatically generate and print shipping labels right from within the platform.
  • Multiple Products at Checkout (Bundles & More): Enhance the purchasing experience by offering bundles and multiple products in a single checkout. The possibilities are now endless, mix and match OTC with RX products, or offer two RX products in one checkout. More to come here.
  • Local Pharmacy Flow at Checkout: Improve patient convenience when searching for a local pharmacy during checkout.
  • Subscription Plans for Digital Products: Introducing subscription plans for digital products to offer flexible and recurring payment options. You can now offer digital products to your patients that don’t have any physical good attached to them. Create your own CAAS (Care-as-a-service) business today!
🏆 Improvements
  • New Tables: Enhancements in table functionalities for improved data management.
  • Hide Modify Plan Option: Customize your plan button options by choosing to hide or show them as needed.
  • Hide Footer on VC: Added flexibility with the option to hide the footer on the VC (Visual Customizer).
  • Archive Button on Variants Page: Simplify variant management with the addition of an archive button.
  • Video Guides for Products: Enhance user guidance by providing video guides for your products.
  • Improved Data in the Admin Dashboard: Get better insights with improved and more accurate data in the admin dashboard.
  • Minor Questionnaire Speed Improvements: Enhancements to questionnaire loading speed for a smoother user experience.
  • Questionnaire Loading Experience: A smoother and more user-friendly questionnaire loading experience.
  • Label Created Status: Added label created status for manual shipments with ShipsStation integration.
  • Improved Questionnaire Query: Enhancements to the questionnaire query for better accuracy.
  • Reduced Auth Step Clicks: Simplified the authentication step to reduce clicks and streamline user experience.
  • Display Checkout Switch: Improved visibility of the checkout switch when it's not specified.
  • Color Customization Options: Expanded color customization options in the Visual Customizer.
  • Configuration Options in Visual Customizer: Increased configuration options in the Visual Customizer.
🐞 Bug Fixes
  • Various bug fixes and improvements, including fixes related to checkout, prescription matching, font loading, dosespot, clinic saving, and more.
  • Addressed issues with product search, table functionality, Apple Pay, SMS notifications, prescriber status, patient dashboard, and more.
  • Fixed bugs related to encryption, questionnaire, doctor auto messages, shipping address, signup, thank-you URL parameters, and more.
  • Addressed old subscription style references
  • Fixed manual prescription matching
  • Improved front-end token retrieval from Dosespot
  • Corrected clinic-saving issues
  • Fixed quantity-related issues in treatment details
  • Resolved manual status functionality issues
  • Improved pharmacy search on the products page
  • Fixed search functionality in tables
  • Addressed mobile filters, date separation, and default ordering in new tables
  • Ensured consistent variant data loading
  • Properly attached coupons to the cart during checkout
  • Addressed issues with the bills timeline
  • Fixed refill job processing
  • Prevented the products page from resetting on canceling edits
  • Resolved Apple Pay issues
  • Ensured accurate SMS test notifications
  • Addressed prescriber status updates
  • Improved accuracy of status information on the patient dashboard
  • Fixed variant dosage ordering in the Visual Customizer
  • Ensured correct coupon display on order details
  • Implemented checks to verify approved states for compliance
  • Addressed issues preventing the display of treatment details in the Visual Customizer
  • Reorganized steps to swap treatment details with shipping address
  • Resolved authentication issues related to iOS session links and back button functionality
  • Implemented fixes for test mode functionality
  • Addressed consent user interface issues
  • Ensured proper encryption of the last message
  • Fixed questionnaire issues related to missing product information
  • Corrected copyright information at the patient login footer
  • Various fixes and improvements to questionnaires
  • Fixed doctor auto message issues
  • Ensured proper submission of shipping addresses for orders
  • Hid the signup option for logged-in patients
  • Corrected issues related to thank-you URL parameters for accurate tracking
  • Implemented various encryption-related fixes and improvements for enhanced security
And so much more!
🧰 Maintenance
Our commitment to providing a seamless and reliable platform continues with various maintenance tasks to ensure smooth operations.
We are committed to continuously improving the Bask platform to meet each of your individual and collective evolving needs and provide a seamless user experience. Your feedback and suggestions have been invaluable in shaping this release, and we please please ask you to continue sharing your ideas, bugs, and any thoughts as we strive to deliver the best possible platform for your business.
Speed is at the forefront of our next release with a sperate blog post coming out about the lessons we have learned and how we are fixing the speed issue. ETA ~ 5 Days.
We look forward to your continued success with our platform, and are excited to see how everyone grows their business with Bask. We have so many more features in the pipeline, so stay tuned for more in the future.