Release 1.2.4

Release 1.2.4

Release Notes
May 8, 2023
Bask Developers
Release 1.2.4 - May 2023
We are excited to announce our latest round of feature updates! Release 1.2.4 brings exciting new features and improvements to the Bask platform, including the Treatments Tab, Table Filters, Follow-Up Visits, Practitioner GPT, and more. Enhancements to UI/UX, billing, and patient authentication create a seamless and secure experience for users. Below is a break down of all the improvements, features and bug fixes included.

New Features

Introducing the Treatments Tab: You can now access a new page called Treatments via your main dashboard. This feature was introduced to provide clarity when a patient is on multiple treatments simultaneously. For instance, a patient might be on a monthly erectile dysfunction treatment for Viagra and a quarterly hair loss treatment for finasteride. Each treatment may have one or more prescriptions and orders, with the treatment defining the refill schedule.
Introducing Table Filters: Tables can now be sorted based on a specific status. First, choose the status to filter by, then select the particular status you want to view. For example, you can select "Patient Status" and then "Abandoned" to see all your abandoned patients in your patient table.
Introducing Follow Up Visits: You can now create shorter, asynchronous visits for existing treatment types. For instance, if you are treating patients for weight loss, you can create a follow-up visit triggered every month that is shorter than the initial asynchronous visit. This allows the patient to continue treatment and receive an additional prescription. We designed this feature to be flexible and are eager to see how you utilize follow-up visits. Follow-ups are automatically available in the patient portal if the treatment or product has an attached follow-up questionnaire.
Introducing Practitioner GPT: In PractitionerGPT's own words "I am PractitionerGPT, an AI language model developed by Bask Health to assist patients with their medical questions and concerns. While I can provide medical advice and information, please keep in mind that I am not a licensed physician and any advice I give should not be a substitute for professional medical advice." This is enabled by us per account, please reach out if you would like access to it. It is available via the messenger in your admin account, and can also be activated for your patients in the patient portal.
A Redesigned Settings ➝ Logs: You can now access audit logs for your account. Here you can see a detailed audit trail of anything that has happened regarding interactions with your business.


Product Templates: We have just released support for Bask to provide you with products already pre configured with all of the accurate settings and variations that we have in stock. You can now easily import products (and images) from our catalog of medications. These will be connected to treatment templates very soon.
Multiple Treatments and Sessions: We have enhanced the logic for patients resuming questionnaires on different devices or engaging in multiple treatments simultaneously. The UI/UX in the patient portal has also been improved.
Notifications: Numerous improvements have been made to saving, editing, and sending notifications. You can now add your own sender name, reply to emails, and include pre-headers (preview text) in emails.
The Flow Builder: Many UI improvements have been made to the flow builder, such as accessing question templates in the sidebar and selecting multiple questions by holding shift. We hope this makes building telehealth visits even more straightforward.
The Page Builder: Building mobile-optimized landing pages is now more efficient. We have also added more SEO optimization, making pages built with Bask more powerful than those built elsewhere.
Billing: Improvements have been made to the logic surrounding canceling, refunding, and pausing treatments and their effects on your Bask invoicing and bills. We have also updated the method of saving a payment to your account and now support paying your Bask bill via ACH in addition to credit card.
Patient Auth: The authentication behind the patient portal has been enhanced, providing a better and more secure login experience.

Bug Fixes:

We have resolved numerous bugs, primarily addressing edge cases when patients access a questionnaire. We will no longer provide a detailed breakdown of bug fixes in our announcements.